Active Projects
Local Hazard Mitigation
Public Review Draft of the 2025 LHMP
Residents can review this draft and submit any comments from March 5, 2025 to March 21, 2025.
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Sewer System Master Plan (SSMP):
Start Date: December 2022
Finish Date: March 2025
In December 2022, the Board approved and awarded the contract to AKM Engineering firm to develop a comprehensive SSMP to update its existing 2004 Master Plan and support the ongoing operation and maintenance of the Midway City Sanitary District (District)’s sewer system, and to identify deficiencies and future needs.
The scope of the work is as follows:
- Review available pertinent records that will assist in the preparation of the Sewer System Master Plan;
- Assess Condition of existing sewer system facilities;
- Update Sources, Quality and Regulatory Issues;
- Utilize and develop an updated GIS-based hydraulic modeling system;
- Evaluate the existing operations and maintenance practices and identify improvements in the current level of service where areas of opportunities allow;
- Develop a recommended sewer system repair, replacement, and improvement program where system and condition-related deficiencies are identified;
- Recommend future capital improvement program and prioritize projects;
- Spill Emergency Response Plan (SERP) which is already completed.
For any questions about this project, please give us a call.
Sewer System CCTV Video Inspection and Cleaning Project (CCTV):
Start Date: February 2024
Finish Date: January 2025
Midway City Sanitary District (District) has contracted with Empire Pipe Cleaning and Equipment (Contractor) for CCTV project. Over the next 12 months, Contractor will be cleaning District’s sewer lines, inspecting (CCTV) sewer lines, and doing manhole video inspections. Contractor will provide reports detailing the conditions of the District’s sewer facilities.
Contractor will be inspecting approximately 174 miles of sewer mains and 3001 manholes. These inspections will help District identifies any defects within the sewer mains and manholes. The prevention of defects and sewer breaks is critical to keeping Midway City and Westminster safe, clean, and functioning properly.
For any questions about this project, please give us a call.
Local Hazard Mitigation Plan (LHMP):
Start Date: December 2024
Finish Date: June 2025
Midway City Sanitary District issued a Request for Proposal (RFP) for Local Hazard Mitigation Plan. The project was approved by the Board on November 19, 2024. The project was awarded to Navigating Preparedness Associates, LLC.
The Local Hazard Mitigation Plan outlines opportunities to increase Midway City Sanitary District’s resiliency in the face of future natural hazards. While disasters cannot be prevented from occurring, their effects can be reduced or eliminated through a mitigation strategy that includes a well‐organized public education and awareness effort, preparedness activities, and mitigation actions.
Natural hazards pose severe risk to people and property. They can cause death or injuries, cause significant damage to the community, businesses, public infrastructure, and environment, and cost a lot in terms of response and recovery dollars, further contributing to economic loss. For those hazards that cannot be fully mitigated, the community must be prepared to provide efficient and effective response and recovery. The Plan will help the District to prepare and provide uninterrupted services during catastrophic events.
Manhole Project:
Start Date: June 2024
Finish Date: January 2025
The Midway City Sanitary District (MCSD) owns an 8-inch sewer on Springdale Street, which crosses under a larger 60-inch sewer built by the Orange County Sanitation District (OCSD) in 1970. The crossing has an inverted siphon that doesn't meet industry standards, with a 2-foot vertical drop shown in a 2014 CCTV inspection. The siphon lacks necessary features like manholes, proper slopes, or air jumpers for maintenance. MCSD is working with AKM Engineering firm for Preparation of Plans and Specifications of Construction of Manholes Upstream and Downstream of the Inverted Siphon at Westminster Boulevard and Springdale Street.
The scope of work is as follows:
1. Conduct field surveys to determine sewer elevations at specified manholes.
2. Obtain as-built utility plans for key intersections.
3. Review project site and compare marked utilities to as-built information.
4. Select upstream and downstream manhole locations.
5. Prepare plans, profiles, and specifications, including geotechnical investigation for shoring and dewatering.
6. Identify permit requirements with local authorities.
7. Submit plans and specifications for review and address feedback.
8. Finalize and submit bid-ready documents.
9. Provide support during bidding and engineering services throughout construction, including as-built plans.